Friday, October 9
10:00 am - 2:30 pm
Des Moines University, Des Moines, Iowa
The 3nd Annual Iowa Climate Science Educators Forum will take place on Friday, October 9, 10:00 am – 2:30 pm, Student Education Center (SEC) Room 115 (on the first floor of SEC - next to the book store, at Des Moines University, Des Moines, Iowa
The Forum will focus on successful approaches to teaching about climate change and recent research on climate change impacts in Iowa. Students are welcome to attend. Lunch will be provided. A tentative meeting agenda is below.
Click here to register for the Forum. Registration is required.
Meeting Agenda
10:00: Welcome from Yogi Shah and DMU
10:10: Update on the Iowa Climate Statement 2015: Time for Action
Teaching Climate Change in Iowa
Morning Presentations
10:30: Ray Arritt and Brian K. Hornbuckle (ISU) Teaching the Greenhouse Effect Presentation:
Teaching the Greenhouse Effect_Hornbuckle_Arritt_Oct_2015.pdf
10:45: David Courard-Hauri (Drake) Roleplaying and Scale: Moving Beyond “Plant Trees to Save Climate"
11:00: Elaine Marzluff and Wayne Moyer (Grinnell) Climate Science Policy: A team taught nterdisciplinary course.
11:15: Charlie Stanier (UI) Teaching Green Chemical and Engineering Technology
11:30: Adam Hoffman (University of Dubuque) CO2 and Ocean Acidification Climate Lab
11:45-12:00: Tiefenthaler, Walkup, and Sadeghpour (DMACC) "Reducing DMACC's Carbon Footprint through Behavioral Changes"
12:00-1:00: Lunch
Climate Change Research in Iowa
Afternoon Presentations
1:00: Jack Yates (UNI) Why some members of the public are "immune" to the evidence on climate change
1:15: Audrey McCombs (ISU) Vegetation Resources for Pollinators
1:30: Debinsky, Kerr, and Lerivee (ISU) Species Traits as Filters of Climate-Induced Range Expansion
Debinsky, Kerr and Lerivee Presentation
Species Traits Analysis_Debinski Kerr Larivee_Oct_2015.pptx
1:45-2:30: Discussion of next year’s 2016 Iowa Climate Statement topics
For more information contact: Dave Courard-Hauri,
or Joe Bolkcom at joe or 319-353-2681