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Welcome to CGRER's forecast page for the KORUS-AQ Campaign

Korea-US Air Quality study (KORUS-AQ)
Planned deployment period is from May 1st to June 14th, 2016

The Center for Global & Regional Environmental Research
at the University of Iowa is providing daily chemical weather forecasts in support of this experiment.

This is a collaboration with NCAR ACOM
and David Streets group ( Argonne National Laboratory)

The University of Iowa's configuration of The Weather Research & Forecasting model (WRF) coupled with Chemistry (WRF-Chem) provides simulations of meteorology, Air quality and tracers at 20km and 4km resolution. Anthropogenic emissions were developed by Jung-Hun Woo and David Streets.

KORUS-AQ spatial plots
KORUS-AQ short forecasts
KORUS-AQ crossections
KORUS-AQ ground site plots

If you want to study previous day's forecasts then replace in the web address "-current" by "_yyyy-mm-dd".
Please contact: Dr. Gregory Carmichael, or Dr. Pablo Saide, or
Dr. Meng Gao, or Jeremie Moen for further analyzed products.