1994 Seed Grant Awards

In 1994, CGRER awarded 8 seed grants totaling $119,866.

Inference of the Effects of Global Change on Growing Season Precipitation Over the Great Plains

Raymond Arritt evaluated the regional impact of potential climate changes resulting from the predicted doubling of atmospheric CO2 by the middle of the coming century. By examining potential changes in large-scale patterns conducive to spring and summer precipitation in the Great Plains, he hopes to estimate precipitation changes and promote the evaluation of adaptive strategies.

Decadal Variation of the Northern Hemisphere Atmospheric Circulation Related to the Midwest Climate Variability

Tsing-Chang Chen looked at climatic changes and global air circulation patterns. Over the past 40 years, a deepening of the low pressure system over the North Pacific and amplification of the high pressure system over the California coast have intensified the channeling of cold air from Canada southward into the Midwest. Chen's research was among the first to examine the relationship between short and long-term changes in climate and global air circulation patterns as they affect the Midwest.

Characterization of Atmospheric Aerosols of the Midwest with an Application to Visibility Visualization

Annmarie Eldering investigated atmospheric aerosol particulates. Although little is known about their size, chemical composition, or transport in the Midwest, aerosols are important determinants of air quality. By scattering incoming radiation, they also could counteract global warming trends. Eldering’s research will provide the baseline data needed to ascertain problem areas and trace future changes in aerosol levels.

The Role of Elemental Iron in Enhanced Reductive Dechlorination of Halogenated Methanes

Brad Helland and Pedro Alvarez looked at the feasibility and specific design criteria for using elemental iron to transform chlorinated methane chemicals (such as carbon tetrachloride) into relatively innocuous compounds. Chlorinated methanes are hazardous both to humans and to the stratospheric ozone layer; thus methods to detoxify them are of great interest.

Assessment and Visualization of Interpolation Error in Environmental Monitoring Networks

Claire PavlikMarc Armstrong, and Dale Zimmerman evaluated which surface generating techniques most accurately interpolate and display various types of environmental data (such as measurements of acid rain deposition) collected at field stations. To do this, they linked GIS software to a statistical programming environment to map out and visualize environmental data.

Research and Development of a Prototype Parallell Global Scale Tropospheric Chemistry Model

Florian Potra and Greg Carmichael developed a sophisticated mathematical model to investigate the chemistry and transport of tropospheric contaminants. This computer model allows faster and more precise simulations of atmospheric transport and chemistry processes, leading to a better understanding of the environmental effects of contaminants around the globe.

An Iowa Greenhouse Gas Action Plan

Jerry Schnoor and David Forkenbrock commenced a policy-oriented collaborative research effort with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources and the Midwest Transportation Center. They inventoried Iowa greenhouse gases and integrated strategies for increased energy efficiency and reforestation into an action plan for reducing greenhouse gases in Iowa. There report is available here.

Integrated Environmental and Economic Analyses of Potential Implications of Climate Change for Rangeland Ecosystems

U.Sunday Tim and Robert Jolly explored the environmental and economic implications of global warming on rangeland ecosystems. They attempted to integrate biophysical and economic models to estimate the impact of changes in climate on rangeland hydrology, forage production, and animal production. They also used the integrated modeling system to examine the potential impact on regional economies.


Saturday, January 1, 1994