The International Transport and Chemical Transformation (ITCT) 2002 (link is external) field campaign is taking place from April to May, 2002. This experiment is focused on the eastern Pacific, with flight operations housed at Montery CA. This experiment is coordinated with the PEACE (link is external) experiment investigating atmospheric chemistry in East Asia, and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) (link is external) experiment focused on trace element deposition into the Pacific Ocean. Center for Global & Regional Environmental Research at the Universioty of Iowa, in collaboration with The Applied Mechanics Institute at Kyushu University, Argonne National Laboratory, and NOAA-GFDL are providing daily chemical weather forecasts in support of these experiments.
Four coordinated forecast are produced daily. The tracer forecasts utilize the CFORS (link is external) system, which contains a variety of air mass and emission markers calculated on-line inside the RAMS meteorological modeling system. Meteorological and tracer fields are produced with high time resolution. These tracers are not designed to produce absolute quantities but rather reflect air mass characteristics (for example, CO tracers is only primary CO, and does not include a background or contributions from hydrocarbon and methane oxidation). Photochemical forcasts are produced for the East Pacific domain using the University of Iowa's current STEM model.
2-D Horizontal Plots: Asia-Pacific Tracer (link is external), Trans-Pacific Tracer, East Pacific Tracer, East Pacific STEM
2-D Cross-Section Plots: Cross-Section Tracer, Cross-Section STEM
Ground Stations: Tracer and Chemical
Observed Surface Weather in North America (hourly) and Asia-Pacific (every 6 hours)
If you want to study current or previous scenarios instead of flight planning, previous forecasts may be more helpful. Please contact